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Coming All the Way Afar! Zesa Holdings Executive Chairman and Delegation Visit BatteroTech

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On October 11th, 2023, Dr Sydney Gata, Executive Chairman at Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) Holdings, and his colleagues were led by Mr. Xu Kemin, Chairman at Dinson Iron and Steel Company (DISC), a subsidiary of Tsingshan Holding Group, to visit BatteroTech. The delegation was warmly received by corporate executives including Mr. Zhang Yiwei, Deputy General Manager of Strategic Coordination Department at Yongqing Technology, another subsidiary of Tsingshan Holding Group, and Mr. Zhang Wutang, BatteroTech Chairman.



Zesa Holdings Executive Chairman and his delegation were shown around in the automatic production workshops and digital exhibition halls of BatteroTech and given a detailed account of the corporate overview and development, and product applications. Mr. Zhang Wutang, BatteroTech Chairman briefed on them the major strategies concerning product R&D and building of market presence as employed by BatteroTech since its inception, and presented the corporate ambition to earnestly expand its markets by grounding in national realities while upholding a global perspective, 



Mr. Zhang Yiwei, Deputy General Manager of Strategic Coordination Department at Yongqing Technology kicked off the communication meeting between Zesa Holdings and BatteroTech on October 11th with warm hospitality for the Zesa Holdings delegation. According to Mr. Zhang, BatteroTech takes a critical move toward strategic development in the current stage by conducting research on foreign markets and planning overseas operations. Going further, BatteroTech will endeavor to arrange for communication and cooperation on the expansion into markets overseas in a sounder manner.   



Dr Sydney Gata, Executive Chairman at Zesa Holdings was incredibly impressed by the modernized production workshops and technology-powered exhibition halls at BatteroTech and expressed his heartfelt recognition during the meeting. He vigorously showed his expectation of the partnership between BatteroTech and Zesa Holdings upon learning about the evolution and product features at BatteroTech. Dr Sydney Gata, besides being Zesa Holdings Executive Chairman, was the first black general manager of the Electricity Supply Company (ESC) since Zimbabwe realized a globally recognized independence. He then served as the Chief Executive Officer and a board member of Zesa Holdings. He works as the Founding Chairman of the Inception Committee for the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) as well.


“Tsingshan Industry and BatteroTech enjoy a time-honored and profound history of partnership, under which BatteroTech is bound to support Zimbabwe with the most cost-effective product offerings and manufacturing services of premium quality.” Mr. Zhang Wutang, BatteroTech Chairman addressed the guests with affirmation and confidence in the bilateral partnership at the meeting.