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Congratulations! Another ISO9001 & IATF16949 Automotive Quality Management System Standard Certification Granted to BatteroTech

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Golden autumn in October is the season of harvest and feast. BatteroTech GT Factory has lately passed the reviews of IATF16949, the Automotive Quality Management System Standard, and received the certifications of IATF16949:2016 and ISO9001:2015 issued by DEKRA on September 30th, 2022.

IATF16949, also known as the Automotive Quality Management System Standard, is the technical specification for the global automotive industries built based on ISO9001 with the addition of the automotive industry. IATF16949-certified accreditations are recognized by the members of IATF, boosting procurement confidence of the international automotive OEMs and reducing the number of times for IATF to organize second-party reviews as well as certification reviews by multiple third-party players.

These two certifications demonstrate the new quality management system standards obtained by BatteroTech. BatteroTech Shanghai base has previously acquired the ISO9001 and IATF16949 certifications, the proof of the full compliance of quality management system standards of ISO9001:2015 and IATF16949:2016 in terms of product design and manufacturing at BatteroTech Shanghai and Jiashan subsidiaries. This symbolizes the green pass granted to BatteroTech’s battery products for tapping the automotive market, which both proves the corporate prowess and spurs future corporate growth and expansion.

BatteroTech gives top priority to quality throughout its corporate growth and development with the establishment of an operational system that conducts R&D, production, and sales based on consumer and client demands. BatteroTech has improved its product and process quality for causing fewer variations and generating higher profits under the quality management system standards of ISO9001 and IATF16949. Departments across BatteroTech have implemented the following measures for producing products with stabler quality. They enhance coordination and communication within each corporate department,  rigorously sort out key links that influence product quality, and gatekeep each and every procedure. They also ceaselessly offer clients more premium product and service offerings by gaining insights into client demands, making overall planning and design, working on product customization and R&D, and ensuring agile project delivery, highly efficient service operation & maintenance, and data remediation and upgrade.

Bathing under the crisp and cool air and clear sky in autumn, two pieces of good news worth the celebration. Settling in a new location and being certified by the ISO9001:2015 and IATF16949:2016 systems unveils that BatteroTech has set foot on a new journey with refreshing looks and pursuits.

BatteroTech GT Factory

One of the two bases of BatteroTech is set in the Fengxian District, Shanghai, with a total area of 65 thousand, encompassing the experimental lines for battery cells and modules, physical and chemical experimental lines, abuse laboratories, and 1GWh battery mass-production lines.

Another base is situated in Jiashan county, Zhejiang province. BatteroTech launched its 5GWh project for the N0.1 Workshop at its Jiashan G7 Factory in June 2022. No.2 Workshop proposed to be finished building in March 2023 is under construction.